Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Getting ready to start school!

Wow, it's getting to be that time already! Next week is the last week of my son's summer holiday and then he'll be starting school. We have the school uniform, washed and ready to be worn, same with the school shoes and plimsoles. I have the name labels for everything and affixing those is on my to-do list this week.

I'm feeling pretty relaxed about my son and his first day. As the school is the same location as where he was attending nursery, he's very familiar with the surroundings and has spent a bit of time in his new classroom and met his new teacher on a few occasions. He is very excited about starting, which is great.

So far so good but there's other things to think about too. From what I hear and have read, the start of the year is always tiring and I'm to expect some grumpiness as a result while my son adjusts to the new day. My daughter and I will have a lot more time together as just the two of us, which will be lovely but I think she is really going to miss having her big brother around. She shadows him constantly and they are always interacting in some way or other most of the time these days. It will seem quiet for both of us without him around.

For me, there'll be new mothers to meet and get to know. I know a couple of people whose children will be in the same class as my son but there will be lots of new faces for sure. Just as my son will be busy making new friends, I'll hopefully be doing a bit of that myself.

Perhaps my biggest concern, silly as it might sound, is getting us all ready and out of the house in time in the mornings. As my son was doing nursery school in the afternoons we never had to rush out of the door in the mornings. I've always been organised with putting out clothes for the next day in the evenings for both children. My son wearing a school uniform will only make that simpler. I recognise I will have to prepare his packed lunch the night before, as much as possible, It's all about reducing what has to be done in the morning!

I think there will have to be a bit of adjustment to our morning routine and regrettably it may just involve me getting up a bit earlier! I plan on us doing a practice morning one day next week but instead of going to school, we'll go for a bit of extra breakfast as an end of the holiday treat. My son hates being rushed so I want to try to make it as relaxed as possible for him in the mornings. I am sure once we get into the new routine, we will both get to grips with the new challenges it presents.

How are you feeling about your child going to school, either for the first time or returning for the next year? What do you find the biggest challenge in preparing yourself or your child for the start of school?
photo credit


  1. It's my third time around but I'm dreading it if I'm being honest..S has sensory issues and is very much affected by changes to routines. His little uniform is hanging up in front of me and I just feel sick when I look at it...

    My biggest challenge will be to let my son go.

    Good post's also made me realise that I'll have to set an alarm! ;) xx

    1. Not easy I'm sure. I really hope it goes well and he soon settles into the new routine and starts to feel comfortable with it. xx

  2. My biggest challenge is getting back into a schedule. Summers are nice because we don't have to be anywhere at any given time.

    PS: I'm not getting your email alerts anymore.wonder why...

    1. I agree, it is really nice to have a more relaxed schedule over the holidays, taking a day at a time and going with the flow :-).

      I have no idea why you wouldn't get my email alerts any more. I haven't changed anything so very strange. Hmm...

  3. What time does school start for him? I'm finding my biggest challenge/stress is sticking to an early bedtime to keep andrew well rested. I'm sure you all will get into a good routine!

    1. He'll start at 8.55, which I know is not crazy early but when you've been used to relaxed mornings, getting three of us ready and out on time will be no mean feat! ;-). Early bedtimes is an important one and yes, I can see how that could be a challenge too. Hope school has got off to a great start and he's enjoying it!

  4. Aha! I can both see and use the comments section :) And on Google Chrome too.

    Hope you are settling into a new routine, nearing the end of the first week. I have all this to come next year, though I think I'm looking forward to the uniform aspect because at least that will banish the 'oh, you've grown out of that pre-selected outfit, what to wear now?!' surprise of a morning :) xx

    1. That's great news! Thanks for letting me know about the problems and hopefully it's all sorted now.

      The uniform definitely simplifies things and means one less thing to decide or negotiate on during the morning rush! xx


Thank you for reading. I'd love to have your comments and thoughts!