Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Quietly keeping busy

There has been a bit of unsettling news in the Mummy Zen household of late, which is why I have not written (again!) in a couple of weeks. We're in that frustrating state of limbo, awaiting more information, with tough decisions looming on the horizon. I could think about the 'what ifs' all day and drive myself into depression, cry myself to sleep each night on speculative thoughts but I am trying to avoid both those paths.

The trick of course, is to keep busy and keep my mind occupied. Children are the perfect distraction for a lot of the time. Life must go on so there's the school run, play dates to host, weekly activities/classes to attend with my youngest, reading and writing practice with my eldest and general play and fun to be had with both. When they are at school or napping, I occupy myself with preparing meals and I have been keeping on top of the cleaning more than usual!

I also find seeking company among friends is a good way to keep my spirits up. Sometimes you don't feel like being sociable at times like these but I recognise it does me good to be around friends. A friendly chat can be recharging for the soul, as well as a welcome diversion to one's own situation and wandering thoughts.

Challenging circumstances tend to give us a renewed perspective and appreciation of what we have in our life and those around us. I'm filled with love and gratitude for my little family; my two wonderful children who are always making me smile and feel proud, and my husband, who is such an amazing loving, caring support to me and still manages to make me laugh in the midst of sadness. My mother might not live in the same country but she manages to make me feel like she is close by nevertheless, checking in on me regularly and being there any time if I need a chat. Then there are the good friends who will look after my children at the drop of a hat if need be. I would be lost without them.

In my aim to keep busy, I did eventually get around to writing this post and have ideas for a couple of others that may manifest before too long! We'll see....

How do you keep yourself busy when you need to? What or who do you turn to as a distraction during a difficult time?
photo credit


  1. I do the same as you - surround myself with the company of good friends. I also try to get outside, I find being stuck with just the four walls for company (and my out of control mind!) doesn't help at all. I hope you're ok x

    1. Thanks Suzanne. Getting outside is a really good one to remember too. x

  2. I agree, although I may not want to get out with friends it always makes me feel better. I also rely on my faith and daily devotional time to help me through hard times. Xoxo

    1. Faith and daily devotional time can definitely be of benefit through difficult times - thanks for sharing what helps you. xx

  3. So sorry to hear you are (or maybe were now?) having a tough time. It sounds like you have the same approach to dealing with troubled times as I do in the whole 'keeping yourself busy' approach. Which is a good thing for distraction, but you also need to be aware not to end up drowning in busyness! I like to get out for walks with the dog, and I have found my new hobby of taking (not very good) pictures has helped - it makes me see beauty when I feel skies are grey and the world is bleak. It reminds me there's much more 'out there' somehow. Sending much love and if you need a virtual shoulder ever, please please shout xx

    1. Thank you for such a kind comment. Getting out for walks and being aware of the beauty of nature around us is very therapeutic. I'm glad to hear you have been enjoying that lately. xx

  4. I may surprise you but I'm not all for the busy thing when times get rough. we're in the middle of a crisis here too with my 2mth old nephew being diagnosed with a liver tumor. Waiting for test results. Nurturing oneself is key and if keeping busy does that, then I'm for it. But I do not agree with the idea if mindless distraction. I prefer the mindful practice of trust. Trust that, somehow, all is as it should be. That something good will come out of the challenge: more love, new opportunities, more kindness, new epiphanies. I pray that you may move past this difficult time soon. Much love to you and your family. ♥

    1. Sorry to hear about the situation you and your family are faced with currently. Hope the test results will be positive and his tumor can be successfully dealt with.
      You are right of course, that mindless distraction is not wise and you make an excellent point about trust. It can be hard to do, but you are right that we do have to try to trust what is happening and recognise that it is happenning for a reason we may not yet fully understand.
      Thank you for your kind wishes!


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