Monday, 27 August 2012

Children's books about moving house

My son has always enjoyed and seemed to benefit from books that talk about experiences he is about to go through - moving into a big bed, potty training, starting nursery, becoming a big brother.... Part of it is because he really loves being read to and maybe as a result, the medium of a story helps him to take in the situation and better understand it.

So, I naturally looked for some books on moving house to help prepare him for our forthcoming move. I chose two that had good reviews and they are pretty good. He has been asking for us to read them over and over, which I take to mean he is enjoying them and that's the main thing.

If I had to fault the books I bought it would be on the same two points. They both talk about the two children in the story having their own rooms instead of sharing a room when they move. My son and daughter will continue to share a room in our new house and so my husband and I skip over that bit when reading it. They also both conclude with the family's new neighbours bringing round cake and other such welcoming treats, which lovely an end to the story as it is, I'm not so sure it's very realistic. I have baked brownies and taken to new neighbours once but we had a mutual friend so it was a slightly special case. I've never once received a welcoming anything when we've moved into a new home.

Anyway, the books are fun and do a good job of bringing up some of the usual concerns a young child might have when moving - like what'll happen to all their toys, will they make new friends?... Additionally both books have stickers which is always a bonus for toddlers!

Have you moved house since having children and do you have any other moving house book recommendations for young children?


  1. Aha! Looks like I can comment again :)

    We have lived in the same house since my daughter was born 3 years ago - however we are considering the prospect of moving house in the next year or so to be closer to my husband's work so that car sharing is an option (currently my husband borrows his dad's 'spare' - but this cannot continue). Obviously we would like to do this before she starts school.

    Moving is always stressful (I know - I've done it MANY times, and to different parts of the country) and I guess it will be more so with a little person in tow. I'd very much love to hear book recommendations which address the topic x

  2. Yay - glad the commenting glitch got fixed!

    You're right that moving is always stressful and as this is our first move since having children there is just more stuff to pack, organise and think about. So far, we've been keeping everything under control and enjoying the process as much as we can ;-)


Thank you for reading. I'd love to have your comments and thoughts!