Monday, 26 September 2011

Avoiding toddler jealousy

Following on from my last post, these 5 tips to avoid toddler jealousy on Mindful Mum seemed appropriate to share. The advice seems very practical for helping a toddler feel involved in the new addition to the family. Of the five tips provided, two stood out as particularly useful to me.

'Involve the toddler' talks about how some children love to help out with passing clean nappies or assisting with bathtime but it also acknowledges that not every child enjoys being a helper and some would rather get on with their own activities. In the latter case, the advice is to respect their attitude and there are some suggestions of other ways to involve them in their younger sibling.

'Keep them occupied' recommends having a small box with toys, books and maybe a few snacks that can be brought out at times when you are very involved with the baby, especially when feeding. The idea is that your toddler will be happy and kept amused during a time when it's more difficult for you to engage in an activity with them and it can help create a time that they look forward to rather than resent.

Have a read of the 5 tips and let me know if you have any others to add.

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