Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Spring into Action!

After a long cold winter, spring seems to be here and we've enjoyed a week or two of sunny days and milder temperatures. The days are longer and brighter, flowers are blooming and more people are out and about. It's a lovely time of year and one that usually gives us a real boost after months of dark dull days. People tend to feel full of energy and eager to get outside or to tackle jobs they've been putting off.

The start of spring used to be the start of the new year, back in Babylonian times (2000 BC) . In terms of the seasons, it certainly seems a more natural beginning than the start of January. I think it's definitely a good time to take stock and think about what you've achieved (or not) so far this year. If your new year's resolutions never really got off the ground, you might feel more like putting them into action now. If you've been delaying on jobs around the house or know your home would benefit from some spring cleaning, now's the time to do it! If there are relatives you've been meaning to visit, now's a great time of year to make the effort and maybe combine it with a nice day out somewhere.

Here are my own top 3 projects that I plan to get stuck into this spring:

SPRING CLEANING: I've made a list of cleaning jobs to be done as part of my spring cleaning. Some I can do in a spare 15 minutes here and there and other bigger jobs will be saved for a weekend and some assistance from my husband! I find breaking it down into a list of individual tasks makes the whole process seem less overwhelming.

CLOTHING CLEAR-OUT: As I start to pack away some of my thick woolly jumpers and bring out some lighter-weight clothing for spring, it's a good opportunity to sort through my clothes and get rid of anything I haven't worn in the past year and know deep down I'll probably never wear again.  Having sorted through my wardrobe I often come across things I forgot I had or haven't worn in a while which can sometimes be a nice surprise. We'll take any discarded clothing to a charity shop and benefit from a bit of extra space in our drawers and wardrobes.

OUTINGS: Better weather is the perfect reason to make the effort to go on some nice little outings at the weekend. We took the train to Salisbury a couple of weeks ago and went to  Kenwood House last weekend. Having an American husband helps me be more of a tourist in my own city and country than I probably would ordinarily be but it's fun to get out and about and see places. It doesn't need to be a costly outing either, a nice walk somewhere new can be a lovely thing to do on a sunny Sunday morning.

What about you, do you have spring projects or plans?


Photo credit



  1. Oh how I long to have a proper spring clean AND a clothes clear out. Now I just need to persuade someone to take my kids away for a day so I can do it...

  2. I know what you mean! That's why I think breaking it down into smaller tasks can help and mean that you can get a bit done here and there rather than doing it all in one go which can be time-consuming.


Thank you for reading. I'd love to have your comments and thoughts!