Monday, 24 February 2014

Ending the day on a positive note

Since joining Twitter, one of the regular things I enjoy participating in is the nightly, 'Be Positive Before Bed' #bepbb. At 9pm (UK time), anyone can share something positive from their day and there is a nightly host who retweets it and replies to you. Fellow mum and blogger, Jetta came up with the idea and on 5 March, it will have been running for a whole year! As a celebration, she has asked other bloggers who enjoy joining in, whether occasionally or regularly, to share what they like about #bepbb.

In a post about being thankful, I mentioned #bepbb and the fact that some days it is hard to think of something positive from the day, but that those days are exactly the ones where we need to dig deep and think of something. I think that is what I like most about #bepbb - the simple but effective challenge it gives us to find one good thing from our day, no matter how small. Some days it is easy to share a positive, other days it can be really hard but it's such a great exercise to look back over the events of the day and find something good. We can all too easily overlook the little things that we sometimes take for granted and forget how much they really mean to us.

The beauty of a tweet is that it is short and sweet, so no need to share elaborate events from your day. This makes it a very quick, simple way to end the day on a positive note. The other nice thing about #bepbb is reading what other people have shared. There are things that make you smile, things you can identify with and things that can make you recognise something from your own day that you perhaps dismissed as not being 'positve' enough.

Do you do anything similar to end your day, as a way to reflect on the good things in your life or to simply remind yourself of what has been positive from a day filled with challenges? If you ever join in with #bepbb, what is you like about it?
photo credit


  1. I so agree -
    sharing a positive thought or experience from the day with someone,
    even via text, email or whatever, is a lovely thing to do -
    taking the time to focus on the good elements of the day -
    however sparce they may have been!
    Emma x.

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting :-). Yes, it really is a lovely thing to do and as you say, to make yourself take that time to focus on the good elements of the day is a nice habit to have. x

  2. I'm going to look for it on Twitter. It's a lovely idea. I think I've told you before that I journal every night and keep track of all the joyful stuff that came up for me during the day. It's a joy fest after a while as the mind becomes accustomed to it. It actually notices the positive a lot more. It's like exercising a muscle. :)

    1. Thanks for taking a look on Twitter Maryse. I like your anaology of exercising a muscle - that makes a lot of sense that the more we do something, the easier it becomes and this is no exception.


Thank you for reading. I'd love to have your comments and thoughts!