Last week on 1 March was
World Book Day. I came across this list of
top 50 books for children in
The Telegraph, which I enjoyed looking through for some new suggestions of books my children might like. I thought I would use the opportunity to share some of the books I've been reading lately in my book club and also mention a couple of my son's favourite reads at the moment.

The last book we discussed in my book club was
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother
by Amy Chua. This was the book that
created a stir when it was published last year for the strict parenting style Chua advocates. Having read it now, I'd recommend it to other parents. It's not a brilliant book, it's not great writing but it's a quick read that really makes you think about your own parenting style and parenting tendencies in the western world today.

Bill Bryson's
At Home: A short history of private life
was another recent read in the group and is one of those books that makes you read lots of snippets out loud to your partner! Bryson takes us through his home looking at the history behind all the little details in each room, from why salt and pepper ended up being on every table, to bedbugs and vermin and why we need to flush the toilet with the lid closed! It's full of fascinating facts.
The very last book I read was
The Sense of an Ending
, the Winner of the Man Booker Prize for Fiction in 2011 by Julian Barnes. It's very much a character-driven novel and although I didn't love it or enjoy it as much as I have other books by Julian Barnes, it's well written and provides a perceptive portrayal of human fragility.
Finally, a selection of books my three year old has been enjoying of late. His favourites change every few weeks of course but some we've been reading frequently or that he's mentioned he likes at nursery are as follows:

I'd love to hear of any books either you or your children have been enjoying lately!