Tuesday, 18 September 2012

6 places to pick up mummy friends

When I was pregnant with my first child, I didn't have any friends with babies. We moved a month before my son was born to a more family friendly area of London but I didn't know anybody there.

I joined the local mums' group (which I later went on to co-run) and went along to a coffee morning meetup for mums and babies. Maybe unusually, my main circle of mummy friends were all met at that coffee morning. It was a weekly gathering and then as we got to know each other we would meet up elsewhere and our babies grew up together.

Some of those mums moved away but we have kept in touch and still visit every now and then. Our families have grown and it's fun to get all the children together and for the adults to catch up. I still consider some of those people amongst my closest mummy friends.

Now I am the one that moved away and am starting over with finding mummy friends in my new local area. Everyone always says it's easier to meet people when you have children and yes it is, because you know where to find other parents, and children easily provide conversation starters. However, effort is still very much needed and I have been trying to get about to places where I might strike up conversation with some other mums.

Here are 6 places I've come up with to pick up mummy friends:
  1. A park or playground
  2. Local library: they might have a separate children's library and may run weekly sessions for children and parents
  3. Your road: look out for families with similarly aged children , introduce yourself to your neighbours
  4. School: as your children get older I guess this becomes your main source of new friends, as your child takes an interest in other children, you invite them over to play and get to know their parents. Also there's always the PTA to get involved in.
  5. Children's classes / activities: local music/dance/art/drama classes can be a good way to meet mums and children with similar interests to you and your child
  6.  Mums' group: if there is a group for mums in your area, it can certainly be a great way to make mummy friends. They will likely have meetups and events for you to go along to where you can meet others.
What have I missed? Where did you end up meeting most of your mummy friends?
photo credit


  1. All excellent places to cruise for mummy friends :D

    Because of my daughter's start in life I find that the mummy friends I have met have been through neonatal units or campaigning. I suppose that's the one upshot of having a premature or sick baby - it helps to create a bond between parents who have been there.

    Otherwise though pretty much the same. I recently made a good friend of a mum whose daughter was a very good friend of mine at the childminder. When her daughter cut her hours right back I was very brave and dug out her mum's mobile number from an old party invite. I texted suggesting a playdate and we too became friends. Still early stages but we have both recently joined the same gym and plan to go out for drinks.

    All 'cause i was uncharacteristically brave. Yay!

    Good luck with your friendship group building - I'm sure you'll have absolutely no problems, however daunting it might seem xX

    1. That's an excellent addition to my list! I have no doubt such networks are invaluable for sharing experiences and having someone to talk to who knows exactly what you've been through.

      I love your recent example of establishing a new friendship with the mum whose daughter goes to the same childminder. It just takes someone to make the first move, like you did ;-).

      Thanks for your kind words too. xx


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